Sectoral Councils for Qualifications

Advisory bodies that support the National Institute of Qualifications (INQ), in the continuous updating of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications (CNQP).

Its objectives are:

  • To support INQ in the design of strategic and essential qualifications for the different sectors of the economy as a response to the challenges of the labour market, based on the methodological guidelines for the development of qualifications.
  • Identify the needs for updating the CNQP, as well as present proposals to the INQ concerning the inclusion and withdrawal of qualifications, in function of their specialised technical knowledge about the sector or professional activity they represent.

The Sectoral Qualifications Councils are composed of:

  • Representatives of the Institutes Implementing policies related to education and vocational training;
  • Specialists appointed by the Ministerial Department responsible for the sector of activity covered;
  • Representatives of the Regulatory Authorities for Access to and Exercise of Professions and Professional Activities of the different sectors;
  • Representatives of Trade Union Confederations and Associations, as well as representatives of Employers, Business and Industrial Confederations representing the sectors of activity;
  • Representatives of Professional Associations of the activities covered by the CSQ;
  • Trainers of Vocational Training Centres of public, private and co-financed management;
  • Teachers of Technical-Vocational Education Providers of public, private and subsidized management;
  • Reference companies and business groups in their respective sectors of activity;
  • Independent national and international experts of recognised merit in sector-specific fields.