National Qualifications Institute

Our mission: To Contribute to the improvement of the qualification levels of young people and adults; To Promote and enhance initial and continuing training and lifelong learning with a view to the integration of qualified young people and adults into the labour market.

Our mission

To Contribute to the improvement of the qualification levels of young people and adults;

To Promote and enhance initial and continuing training and lifelong learning with a view to the integration of qualified young people and adults into the labour market.

National Qualifications System

It is the set of activities related to recognition of learning and other mechanisms which articulate education and professional training with the labour market and civil society.

Technical Sector Council

It is the entity responsible for identification and continuous update of competence and training standards related to the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.

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National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications - CNQP

It is an instrument of strategic management of the qualifications of pre-tertiary level. It is essential for the comparability of qualifications, enterprise competitiveness and personal and social development of individuals.

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